Saturday, December 9, 2006

First Post

So it is 10 in the morning and I haven't been to bed yet. But that could be that I slept all day yesterday. I will look back on this I am sure and laugh, but I am over due for this baby to come out and I just can't sleep at night no matter what I do. So I craft. And since I have baby on the brain, what else could I do but put some additional touches to some plain onesies that we have laying about. So here they are, the first one I did was the owl using some felt and buttons. Then I painted the octopus and the two pandas. The pink panda was first but I like how the green panda came out better.

Sorry the pics are dark, I tried with the flash but they were just not coming out. Well if I don't go into labor today/tonight, we shall see what else I come up with!

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